5 Years of Soka Tribe!!!
Come Dance With Our Special Guests!
We brought together our faves guests last year to shake things up a bit! We wanted to create a vibe with our past partners, you won’t want to miss this! Each artist will lead a mini-session!
Betty Rox
Betty Rox is a Caribbean dancer, choreographer, and instructor. Betty takes you through a cultural experience, blending authentic movements from several Caribbean islands. Her class combos get your body into positions you may have never thought you’d do, but her vibrant energy makes you move all doubt to the side and just go for it! So remember- this is your shot! We’re going to be having fun live via our virtual anniversary. Check her out on Instagram/ @bettyrox
ILLYs Dance Clash
As a small island ambassador ILLY consistently represents her Kittitian roots in whatever way possible. Her credits include an epic Machel Monday performance with an array of artists including Cima Funk, Ding Dong, Ashanti, and Machel Montano. Check her out on Instagram/ @illysdanceclash
Steven “Motema” Fantastico
Steven is the founder of MOTEMA Afrobeat. He is originally from Congo and has spent 9 years dancing and teaching in various dance companies in South Africa, where he eventually established his own dance school in 2016. Since then he has toured in Africa, the USA, South America, and Europe teaching and performing a variety of Afro dances. He is fresh from an intensive study in African contemporary and traditional dance at the renowned Ecole des Sables in Senegal. Check him out on Instagram/Facebook @MOTEMA Afrobeat on YouTube.
For an unforgettable afternoon!!! We all danced and learned some new moves and had a good time with our famalaylaylay…
We are thankful to bring these global sensations together for Soka Tribe’s 5th-year Anniversary celebration!! FREE RSVP here.
We were beyond thrilled about the experience and turn out of our 5th Anniversary Celebration.
The love, laughs, stories, tips, and tricks from the instructors and of course lots of soca! It was a Saturday well spent and you can
These last few months have been life-altering and we miss being with you all in person so much. We’ve had to reimagine how we operate and stay connected. Even in these very different times the vibe and energy we created together lifted my spirit and reminded me of why this organization continues to thrive- its community built around carnival interests. Whether you came to us from a fete to class, to those moments we hang on to rocking a stage our goal was to give you a taste of the greatest show on earth so you could pocket some of that joy. Thank you for being a part of this community and for those of you that came out spending your Saturday with us to celebrate our 5-year milestone. We hope you will stay on this journey with us to the next five and beyond. it’s just the beginning. If ya missed it catch up here!
We want to thank our partners for making the event a success:
Steven el Fantastico of Motema Afrobeat
ILLY’s Dance Clash
T’ingz Nice
Melissa Noel
Nadia Seycon
and shout-outs to the Soka Tribe Convoy and our freestyling faves at the end!
